This weekend is the Big Cheese here is a run down of whats happening with the Cultural Olymnpiad and AWEN project here in the Castle.
Literature Workshop
TV and radio performance poet Mike Church will entertain and entrall the audience through a mixture of
performance and comedic poetry. Following his performance, people of all ages and abilities can take part in a free
fun and informal poetry workshop to explore their creative side.
Caerphilly County Youth Theatre have devised a performance: Shakespeare's Ghosts' that introduces characters from
various plays from comedy to tradegy. The scene is set at a banquet table, where seated are various ghosts from Shakespeare
The castle ruins provide an excellent site for this entertaining experimental theatre piece
Ceramics workshops
Saturday morning come and create cauldrons and beakers, using pinch pot and coil techniques
Saturday afternoon create Gargoyles and hunky punks
Sunday sessions involve chivalry, heraldicshields and protective talismans
All using self hardening clay so you can take home your art work
Textile workshops
Watch the birdy!
Feeling down and need to chirrup?
Come join textile artist Becky Adams and make your very own feathered friend!
Make your own beautiful decorative birdy inspired by the many birds that hop about the castle.
Lots of fun and all materials provided - scraps of fabric, found ephemera, stitch, buttons and glue!
All ages and abilities most welcome – fold an origami bird or sew a fancy fabric one!
Tweet tweet!
Banner Making
Santurday 11am-1pm and 2-5pm: Land Stories; a thousand threaded whispers like streams, in time shapes the land
Capture ribbons of spoken words that rise from the castle walls and blow all around us on silk in print blocks, script, stamps and point
Sunday 11-2pm: Bring our land stories to life and showcase through movement around the castle grounds
Flags and Dome Décor
To follow
A demonstration of Samba by the Caerphilly Samba Band, followed by a chance to get involved.
Practise your rhythms and join our carnival procession
Community Choir
The community Choir will be singing their especially written composition 'The Green Lady' amongst others.
Film Preview
Specially made for the Cultural Olymnpiad and AWEN project. Inspired by the Castle and made by young people from the Islwyn